IRIS Science Management Inc. is a consulting company, specialized in science management and in supporting "International Relations In Science". We offer advice, support and coaching in the area of strategic, organizational and human resource development, evaluation, fundraising, international scientific collaborations (specialized on collaborations between Europe and Japan) and management issues in an academic and scientific environment. Moreover, we function as a think tank for international best practices in science management.
- We offer external expertise grounded on international experiences.
- We can be hired on a monthly basis as advisor or on a project base, and we give research management seminars.
- We provide our services in Japanese, English and German.
Representative: Dr. Iris WIECZOREK (see more ...)
…established IRIS Science Management Inc. in Tokyo. She has over 25 years of Japan experience and a broad knowledge about the academic and scientific systems in Europe and Japan - both from the inside as a researcher and from the position of a funding agency. She has profound expertise in science management and many years of practical experience. Amongst others, she established the Japan Office of the German Research Foundation (DFG) in Tokyo. Her work is based on a broad and trustable network in the scientific(political) communities in Japan and Europe. She is member of various Japanese research policy commitees, and advisor to the Council for Science, Technology and Innovation (CSTI), Cabinet Office Japan. Moreover, she published numerous scientific papers on comparative assessment of the Japanese research and innovation system. She studied Japanese and Chinese Studies, and Computer Science and holds a doctoral degree from the University of Hamburg, Germany.